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How Peppa Promotes Buyer’s Protection On Facebook

The advent of the internet has given rise to the development of different ideas and initiatives to make activities simple and convenient. One of the major offshoots of the internet is Facebook, which is one of the largest social media platforms in the world. It is safe to also infer that Facebook is one of the oldest and most popular social platforms we have around. This is owed to the assertion that one member of a family will have a Facebook account, hence making it a household name for social networking.

Over the years, we have seen social media platforms taking center stage in communication – either for socializing or closing business deals in terms of transactions. But one salient underpinning is the power of these social platforms to make the world a global village. But we can not spotlight the potential and prospects of social media without a special reference to Facebook.

Facebook is a social media platform registered and managed by its parent company, Meta. Today, Facebook is the world’s largest social media platform with over 2.9 billion monthly active users. This staggering figure speaks highly of this social media giant that has been widely adopted by the global community.

How Peppa Promotes Buyer's Protection On Facebook

However, a social media platform that started as a community of socialization on the internet over a decade ago, has today, morphed into a hub of social media business. Facebook has expanded its horizon, such that its function has transcended the original purpose of connecting with other people across the world to become friends. It has now become a peer-to-peer (P2P) platform on which buyers and sellers can meet to make transactions for products and services.
Potential Of Facebook


We cannot overemphasize the power of Facebook, concerning its jaw-dropping number of monthly users. There has been about a 6.89% increase in the number of Facebook users every year, with about 1.9 billion users accessing the platform daily. Therefore, this data shows how efficient Facebook can be for sellers to sell their products to the teeming users locally and internationally. In this regard, using Facebook to sell products is more cost-effective than physical stores. This is because selling on Facebook is cheap and getting more customers is easy, which in turn, increases the profit margin.

In the meantime, the understanding of the convenience in price comparison and purchase that Facebook brings piques the interest of many consumers to buy their preferred products on Facebook. While there is a Facebook Marketplace on which buyers can make purchases for their preferred products, there are other individuals or business entities that are vendors on the social platform.


There is a wide range of products that buyers can buy on Facebook. They include electronics, groceries, cosmetics, clothing, shoes, bags, furniture, etc. As broad as the pool of sellers on Facebook are, you can easily navigate different sellers that are selling similar products to compare prices and the quality of the product that you want to buy.


Buying from Facebook has become a norm in our world today as people do not want to take the stress of walking some distance to a physical store. All buyers want to do is to order and get the product delivered to their doorstep.


However, the growing adoption of Facebook for sellers to sell their products is raising concerns for buyers on their safety – in terms of making payments and receiving quality products after purchase. Hence the need to have a look at buyer protection on Facebook.
Understanding Buyer’s Protection On Facebook Marketplace


Facebook Marketplace is a popular shopping destination for buyers as there are various products displayed for sale by the seller. But buyers need to know some important terms for using the marketplace in protecting their purchases.


In the same vein, it should be noted that the buyer’s protection on Facebook does not support products like perishable goods, precious metals, vehicles, antiques, and collectibles. The exclusion also applies to prohibited products on the platform.


According to Facebook Marketplace, its buyer’s protection covers the following events:


  • When the buyer did not receive the product after making purchases
  • When the buyer received as against what was purchased
  • When purchases were made without the consent of the buyer

In the sequel of these above protection rights, buyers can be sure of reporting the listing and requesting a refund upon dissatisfaction with the delay of the delivery of low-quality products.


But how effective is this protection policy for Nigerians? Also, how about buyers that buy from other sellers (vendors) on Facebook other than the Facebook Marketplace? These are salient issues that need to be addressed.


It is a popular opinion that some buyers tend to buy products from conventional sellers on Facebook. This may be because of the opportunity to negotiate prices or other factors. But buyers that buy from these sellers may be exposed to risks of delay of delivery or no delivery at all (which is also possible on Facebook Marketplace). This can cost Nigerian buyers to lose their money because they are not fully covered by the buyer’s protection policy on Facebook.


But do not fret. With or without the buyer’s protection policy on Facebook, you can now buy products on Facebook with ease without losing your money. Peppa brings this sigh of relief.

What Is Peppa?


Peppa is a peer-to-peer (P2P) social commerce platform that provides simple and safe trading for both buyers and sellers. It is a leading platform for growing businesses and making different products accessible to buyers. As such, Peppa is a one-stop platform for buyers and sellers; buyers can buy their preferred products on Peppa Hub and sellers can create a Peppa storefront to sell their products.


Buying and selling have become easier with Peppa, as the platform is on the mission of bringing the lost hope of buyers in buying products from social media back. Therefore, buyers are protected when they use Peppa as their right plugin for buying products other than using Facebook.

How Does Peppa Help Buyer’s Protection On Facebook


Peppa is popular for its innovation to make buying and selling on social media safe. This includes buying on Facebook. Peppa has an escrow payment feature that serves as the middleman between buyers and sellers on Facebook. So when a buyer makes the payment for products on Facebook, the money will be locked in an escrow account developed by Peppa. The money will remain locked in this account until the seller delivers the purchased product to the buyer satisfactorily. This means that the terms of the agreement of purchase on Facebook must be adhered to by the buyer and seller to have a complete transaction.


This enables sellers to be committed to the integrity of selling quality products and delivering the products as and when due. Here, the products must also meet the satisfaction of the buyers.


Broadly, buyers can buy their products on Peppa Hub – which is a viable alternative to Facebook Marketplace and Facebook buyers can enable the Peppa escrow payment feature to ensure safety and security while buying from different Facebook vendors.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



What Is Facebook Buyer Protection?

This is a set of policies or strategies Facebook employs to protect buyers on the platform. The buyer protection is tailored to customers making purchases on Facebook Marketplace to provide them with peace of mind and offer redress in the event of their dissatisfaction with their purchase. Therefore, buyer protection enables buyers to request a refund if the product is damaged on delivery or does not meet the agreed specification of the buyer.


According to Facebook, buyer protection is exclusively accessible for every customer making purchases on the platform, albeit with some conditions like completing payment of purchase on its marketplace. Also, the protection does not cover products like perishables, automobiles, precious metals, property, etc.

Are Buyers Protected On Facebook Marketplace?

Facebook Marketplace is not entirely safe for buyers. Although the platform has a buyer’s protection policy favouring buyers, the protection is not absolute. This is the security is not encompassing in all regions or countries. Facebook Marketplace guarantees maximum protection for buyers using its on-site “Checkout” to make payments and complete transactions to make purchases, but this is not available in Nigeria. Therefore, it should be noted that Nigerian buyers are not absolutely under the protection coverage of Facebook Marketplace.


In addition, buyers that become victims of scams or fraudulent sellers can only report the listing and its seller to Facebook, but this may not be efficient for the reinforcement of buyer’s protection.

Will Facebook Refund My Money If I Was Scammed?

While buyer’s protection on Facebook works to ensure the safety and security of buyers from fraudulent or unserious sellers, the platform is not scam-proof. In the event of a scam, Facebook does not have an escrow payment system that can refund you the money you paid to purchase from a seller. But you can report the listing and the seller to Facebook, where you lodge your complaints for immediate action. Here, there is little or no effective effort that Facebook can make to compel the scammer to refund you.


However, there is no 100% guarantee that you will get your money back, definitely not from Facebook. This is why you must always be careful of the seller you buy from on Facebook.


Alternatively, Peppa is the best place to buy your products with the peace of mind you desire. This is because Peppa has an escrow payment system that assures you of your safety when you pay for your purchases on the Peppa Hub. You can not be scammed on Peppa!



Buyer’s protection is an integral part of the trade that sellers must uphold. But the buyer’s protection on Facebook is not encompassing as it has its drawbacks of not protecting buyers that buy from regular Facebook vendors. This is why you can opt to start buying your products on Peppa Hub or enable the Peppa escrow payment feature to protect you any time you want to buy on Facebook.


Download the Peppa app on Google Play Store or Apple Store to get your purchases protected.

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