Business, Ecommerce
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Shop Smart: Experience Today, Knowledge Tomorrow

Digitization has become a norm in our society today, such that we can do many things from the comfort of our homes rather than walking distance to get them done. From making digital payments or transfers to working remotely or shopping online, technology is now tge mainstay of human endeavor.

But even as online shopping continues to gain traction, Mark still has a reservation for this innovation. Why? Because of the growing number of people falling victim to online scams from fake vendors. To be honest, the rate of these malicious activities is alarming, and perhaps there is a need for regulations to bolster the safety of online shoppers.

Mark recalled losing N75,000 after buying a fake mobile phone neatly delivered to him in 2022. What happened? He saw an online vendor selling “UK used phones” on Facebook and decided to buy one for his younger sister, who desperately needed a mobile phone.

This vendor seemed legit, and he even supported payment on delivery. Mark made payment upon delivering the mobile phone to his home, and it was working perfectly fine when he switched on the mobile device.

A few minutes later, the phone went blank, and he discovered he had sold a fake mobile phone. All efforts for Mark to reach the vendor proved abortive as the vendor blocked his call and Facebook account from contacting him.

Although Mark was angry at himself for considering buying the mobile phone online, he didn’t give up on the possible reliability and convenience of online shopping portends. So, he took it upon himself to surf across different e-commerce platforms with the conviction to get one that is safe to use. But his ugly experience was still casting some doubt in his mind.

However, after an exhaustive search, he found a social commerce platform that offers all-in-one features to make online shopping safe and seamless. That is Peppa!!!

Once bitten twice shy, they say – Mark was initially hesitant to use Peppa, but he could not resist further due to features like an escrow account and marketplace on the platform. So, he believed he had already found a home for safe online shopping in Peppa.

As a man with a good understanding of how escrow accounts work – which involves a buyer making payment into a neutral third-party account, and which will remain there until the seller has delivered the purchased product to the buyer satisfactorily, this eliminates the risk of funds loss to fraudulent or unserious sellers. Therefore, Mark considered this a major perk for Peppa.

Shop Smart Experience Today, Knowledge Tomorrow

How about a platform with a marketplace called “Peppa Hub?” This means all your shopping expectations can simply be met on a single app. All these features fired Mark’s optimism in Peppa, and he has today completed a score of orders on the Peppa app. He has also successfully referred many people to buy their preferred products on the Peppa Hub.

Meanwhile, the Peppa app is not only designed for buyers but also sellers. Remember, it is an online marketplace  – and Mark has been inviting small and medium-scale businesses to create their online storefront on the platform for buyers and sellers to meet easily.

Mark has now made himself available for interested sellers to create their online storefront that will automatically be visible on the Peppa Hub. It takes a few minutes to complete this setup, and sellers can start attracting buyers on the platform.

Therefore, Mark has made sure that he and the people around him are safe during online shopping in terms of their payments and products. They can now use the Peppa app anytime they want to buy or sell products without any hassle.

You can also enjoy safe online shopping like Mark and his friends and family by using Peppa today. Effective escrow service, simple-to-use Peppa Hub, and instant storefront creation – all on a platform that has a user-friendly interface.

Join the train of safe and seamless shopping by downloading the Peppa app on the Google Play Store or Apple Store.

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