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How Peppa Boosts Buyer’s Protection on Instagram

We cannot undermine the power of social media in forging connectivity that brings everyone under the roof of communication. Social media has been serving the need of staying connected to family and friends – in terms of socializing. But social media has been better explored with the development of different social platforms that now serve varying purposes. One such social platform is Instagram, which offers a myriad of benefits to its users.

How Peppa Boosts Buyer's Protection On Instagram

Instagram is one of the popular platforms in the social media space. It is a social platform that has a huge user base – owing to its intuitive user-friendly interface that makes the platform easy to navigate for both beginner and advanced users. Currently, Instagram has over 1 billion monthly active users with about 500 million people using the social platform daily. These staggering figures position Instagram to be a great platform that has a large audience coverage.

Understanding The Potential of Instagram

The understanding of the potential of Instagram to enable its users to have a wider reach is what has informed the decision of leveraging the built-in tools of Instagram to start an online business. This can range from small to medium-sized businesses that use the platform to gain more customers and maximize their profits.

Today, Instagram has become a hub for different businesses with sellers selling different products to the teeming Instagram users. This new norm has become so popular that you will likely come across product ads anytime you open your Instagram page. This has made sellers prefer setting up their online stores on Instagram to selling their products on e-commerce platforms. This is in consonant with the popular opinion that the number of mobile internet users is higher than that of desktop users.

Therefore, the growing number of sellers on Instagram is growing in direct proportionality to buyers exploring the platform to buy their preferred products. Some of the popular products that buyers can buy on Instagram are groceries, electronics, shoes, bags, clothing, cosmetics, fragrances, phones, laptops, etc. This range of products available for purchase on Instagram has made people shop conveniently from their preferred seller (vendor) and have their products delivered to their location.

However, there is a growing and lingering concern about the friction between buyers and sellers – which hinges on the failure to fulfill the terms of purchase by either of the parties. In most cases, buyers are most vulnerable to bear the brunt of buying on Instagram, especially when they are buying from an unreliable seller.

It is on Instagram that the local parlance “what I got versus what I ordered” became popular. This is a result of many Instagram buyers that have fallen victim to the delivery of low-quality products after making payments. There is also a case of sellers delaying the delivery of products that have been paid for by the buyer, or some malicious sellers canceling the order and absconding with the money of the buyers. So, these and many unfortunate incidents have made many buyers lose confidence in buying products from Instagram sellers.

However, it is high time that Instagram buyers knew about their protection as it relates to buying products on Instagram and getting satisfied with what they buy.

Understanding Buyer’s Protection on Instagram

As a Facebook Marketplace for buying and selling products on Facebook, Instagram has also developed an engine and tools to enable buying and selling to be seamless on the platform. Although Instagram does not have a marketplace like Facebook, let’s remind ourselves that Instagram is a sister company of Facebook, with both social platforms under Meta, which is their parent company.

There is a buyer protection policy that gives Instagram users leverage to ensure the protection of their rights as it relates to making payments and buying original products. The hallmark of buyer protection on Instagram is to be able to request a refund in the event of sellers shorting the expectations of buyers. This means that a good understanding of this protection would enable buyers to have a clear-cut knowledge of their rights and use it when need be.

Instagram buyers have the protection coverage of the following policies by Instagram:

  • Products not received
  • Products damaged or entirely different from what is being paid for
  • The product’s part missing
  • The product’s condition is different from what was described
  • Product version or edition different from what was displayed for purchase

Meanwhile, buyers need to know that the purchase of some products is not covered by buyer’s protection on Instagram. These are perishable products, vehicles, precious metals/gemstones, prohibited products, etc.

How this buyer’s protection works is that Instagram buyers can file a complaint after 48 hours of buying a product and the seller did not respond or resolve the issue within two business days.

Alternatively, buyers that are still grappling with the confidence in buying on Instagram can consider Peppa as their best resort for buying safely and conveniently on social media platforms like Instagram.

What Is Peppa?

Peppa is a peer-to-peer (P2P) social commerce platform for the buying and selling of products with a safe payment structure. This is one of the leading social commerce platforms in Africa, as it provides buyers with a market hub to buy their preferred products while enabling sellers to set up an online storefront that takes the semblance of a physical store.

Instagram sellers can even link their Instagram account to their Peppa account to have exponential sales that increase their profit margin. Therefore, Peppa provides robust features that buyers buy effectively, and sellers sell efficiently.

How Peppa Helps Buyer’s Protection On Instagram

Peppa enables Instagram buyers to hold onto their purchasing rights through the development of an escrow payment system. This is an innovation that acts as the neutral middleman between buyers and sellers to reinforce commitment.

This escrow feature works in a way that buyers will pay into an escrow account when they are buying products from an Instagram seller. The money will remain in this unique account until the seller delivers the purchased products to the satisfaction of the buyer. So, the seller will not have access to the money until the terms of the purchase have been met and completed.

Instagram buyers can create a Peppa account to start enjoying this feature as they are perfectly confident that their payment is safe, including the assurance of getting products of original quality. Therefore, Peppa is committed to making social commerce shopping safe and easy as buyers can either buy their preferred products on Peppa Hub (the best alternative to Instagram and Facebook Marketplace) or use the Peppa escrow payment system.


Buyers can start to gain more confidence in buying on Instagram if they know about their purchasing rights for returns and refunds as highlighted above. But Instagram buyers can alternatively buy their products on Peppa Hub and be sure of the safety of their purchase. But you can integrate the Peppa escrow payment system into your buying experience on Instagram to ensure the safety and security of your payments while buying original products.

Download the Peppa app on Google Play Store or Apple Store to protect your purchases on Instagram.

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